How to Work Smarter – Not Harder

Once upon a time there was a very busy office manager, named Jamie, who was always leaving work late and felt guilty about missing out on that time with her family.

Every day she was overwhelmed putting out fires, solving other people’s problems, and finding lost paperwork. All while trying to remain compliant with all of the company’s policies/procedures. She never realized that just keeping corporate paperwork up to standard requirements could take so much time.

One Saturday afternoon she was at a friend’s birthday party, when she overheard someone who had overcome the same problems she had at work by “going digital.” Jamie and her new friend talked at length about how much easier it was for her to find files electronically instead of shuffling papers all day long. No more losing paper records! Jamie was amazed when she heard how fast the scanning process of the files got completed. As they talked over potato salad, she realized that she was working harder, not smarter. She was determined to find a company to help her get back some sense of control over her job and her priorities.

She started searching the internet on Monday morning and was introduced to lots of companies that can scan paper documents and convert them to digital format.

When she found Access Records Management of Kansas City, she knew it was the best option to help her organize her office and be more efficient than she could ever imagine. They worked with her busy schedule to convert her paper charts into digital format. Access Records suggested they OCR (Optical Character Resolution) all her newly converted digital records so they would be fully searchable. Wow!  Never knew that was even possible! They even helped her    upload the encrypted electronic file onto her ECM(Electronic Content Management) system.

Within three weeks, she gained 10 hours a week that she was wasting before. She was less stressed out at work, which meant she got home at a decent hour and was able to relax with her family. That family time allowed her to truly relax and come back to work refreshed and more productive.

To learn more, please contact Stacie with Access Records at 816.331.7200.

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