National S’mores Day! | Storage Tip

It’s National S’mores Day!

We’ve never been more excited, since s’mores are one of the best combinations invented. Wouldn’t it be even better if we could make it last forever? Today we’re going to give you a few tips on how to store your s’mores ingredients so they can last longer for great tasting s’mores!

How To Store Marshmallows

The best part of s’mores are the marshmallows! Nobody likes hard and stale marshmallows, especially not on our s’mores.

1. Bread

According to WikiHow, adding one or two fresh pieces of bread to an open package of marshmallows helps keep them softer longer.

2. Freeze Them

Of course you can freeze them but they definitely wouldn’t be as soft as they are fresh out of the package.

3. Refrigerate

Sprinkling powdered sugar over marshmallows in an airtight container in the fridge is a great way to store marshmallows! It keeps the marshmallows moisture free and soft.


How To Store Chocolate

1. Keep Out of Direct Sunlight

This is no surprise unless you love the taste of melted chocolate.

2. Don’t Store In the Refrigerator

Even though the refrigerator is a cool, dark place. Chocolate can absorb the flavor of it’s surroundings. Unless spaghetti flavored chocolate is your thing, keep it out of the fridge!

3. Seal In Airtight Container

If you do decide to store them in the refrigerator, seal the chocolate in an air tight container and it will be as if you just opened the wrapper.

How To Store Graham Crackers

1. Cool Dark Place

Graham crackers are the easiest to store and can keep for 2-3 years in the cabinet. If your cabinet is cool, dry and dark, then it is your graham crackers best friend!


We hope you enjoyed our awesome storage tips in honor of National S’mores Day! Go get the fire started!