File Indexing
Are you unsure of what is in all those archived boxes?
Are you frustrated when you need a certain file, and can’t locate it quickly?
How many hours per week are wasted because you or your team members can’t locate a document or file that you need?
Rest assured. Access Records Management has the solution. Proper file indexing is key to any strong records storage program. Allow our experienced staff to index your archived boxes to the file level so you can have full knowledge of what’s in your 50 or 5000 boxes stored offsite. We can index a file with as little or as much detail as you want.
Some examples are:
- Department
- File Type
- Date Range
- Container Description
- Destroy Date
All this data is then entered into our inventory management database.(RSSQL) With our secure online portal,(RSWEB) you would log in and see the complete listing of your inventory and any specific data associated with the file or the box.
To find out more about our file indexing services, please contact us by phone or fill out the form on this page.